Published 18.10.2022

The National Emergency Supply Agency strengthens the management of its operative activities

The National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA) has appointed people with solid management experience and expertise in security of supply and networks to manage its operative activities. Aki Laiho and Heli Tammivuori will start as new directors, while Jarna Hartikainen has been appointed from within the NESA to manage the planning of security of supply activities.

The NESA is reorganising itself to respond to the changes in the operating environment and the expectations for security of supply activities. In the future, the new Operations Department will be in charge of the content and implementation of national preparedness efforts as well as the coordination of the National Emergency Supply Organisation’s operations. The newly appointed directors will head the Operations Department’s three units.

Aki Laiho will start managing the implementation of security of supply activities starting from 1 November. Laiho has diverse experience in leadership and change management in contexts ranging up to the management team of a large listed company. He has a varied work history in critical industries essential to security of supply, as well as solid experience in managing supply chains related to these industries, and an understanding of the materials management related to entities. Laiho joins the NESA from his current position as CEO of Rolan Oy.

“I’m coming to the NESA with great pleasure and an open and expectant mind. It’s great to have an opportunity to participate in security of supply efforts and work with the NESA’s experts. I’m taking up the position with an open and learning mind. Of course, I also hope to quickly get up to speed and add my own contribution to the NESA’s operations and the new organisation as quickly as possible,” Laiho says.

Heli Tammivuori will take up the position of Director of the Network Cooperation Unit starting from 7 November. Tammivuori has a solid work history in the definition and implementation of network cooperation strategy, the management of multifaceted entities, network management, teamwork and proactive communications at the national and EU level. She joins the NESA from her current position as Director of Industrial Policy at the Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation. She has accumulated a practical understanding of the needs of the National Emergency Supply Organisation as Vice Chair of the Foodstuffs Industry Pool.

“I’m very happy to receive this opportunity to join the National Emergency Supply Agency’s expert team to strengthen network cooperation and dialogue with the private sector and other interest groups. It will also be very interesting to expand my perspective to cover all of the sectors essential to the continuity of the functioning of society,” remarks Tammivuori, who is already well-versed in the food industry.

Jarna Hartikainen has been appointed from within the NESA to manage the planning of security of supply activities starting from 24 October. Hartikainen has very broad and varied expertise in managing security of supply and the National Emergency Supply Agency’s programmes. She also has previous experience in several sectors critical to security of supply, extensive networks related to security of supply, and an excellent ability to develop planning, as well as the networks related to planning.

“The significance of security of supply and preparedness are highlighted further in the current security environment. The National Emergency Supply Agency’s expertise is supported by top preparedness experts from different industries, and diverse networks. From this starting point, it will be a pleasure to start planning the continuity management of infrastructure critical to society and resistance to disruptions more comprehensively. It’s an honour to work together for a meaningful cause – the security of Finland,” says Hartikainen.